Thursday, April 28, 2005

Lovely Lund

I have been the laziest poster in these past few weeks (!), but the beautiful weather and the fact that I have wonderful friends over prevented me from adding any new ideas to this journal. I feel just so happy that the weather finally turned to warm and sunny (most of the time, this is Sweden after all)! I am weather-dependent, when the sun is up I feel supergreat, when the clouds are on I feel like I should hide indoors until the grey is gone. It felt so good to be in Asia last year, I did not have the smallest worry about the weather report: always warm, always bright!
I have been taking some pics of the city with Tiziana's camera (as we still have no device to take pictures with) and maybe one of these days I will have the chance to post some of them here, to give a taste of how the place I live in really looks like. Overall it feels great to just go to the main square and buy an icecream from GlassKulturen and just sit and watch people :)
On Saturday there will be the largest celebration of the spring, the Valborg - something along the German Walpurgis night as I understand it. Will report from the champagne and bonfire in the park front once it is over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here in Berlin most people associate the walpurgis night with radicals thrashing policemen and the other way round. I really hope it's not like that in Lund...