Monday, April 04, 2005

Food/ Film: Supersize Me

I finally got to see the famous documentary "Supersize Me", about the so-called McDonalds regime... Not that I was surprised by the effects of daily consumption of fast and fat food, but I must say that the actual amount of sugar and fat that gather in your system after a McMeal really scared me! And even worse was this so called "addiction" to the daily burger and fries that seems to accompany the heavy eater. You get a headache, a bad mood and even physical discomfort if your portion of McDonalds (or I assume any fast food) is missing from your routine... Scary, scary,scary...

On the other hand, I am still not convinced that it is the fault of the company that people get fat. Personal choice and responsibility weights much heavier than commercial appeal. After all, if no one would buy bad fast food, no one would be there to sell it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think so too. Of course it's 'scary' how addictive this fast food stuff is, but it's still your own choice. No one forces you to eat it.
BTW, the Thai 'Tom Ka' soup I had about an hour ago was much better than every fuckin fast food I could imagine... :)