Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Trip to England

The travelogue continues. Have been to England over the Easter break and here are some of the things encountered.The first Elizabeth, in a traditional representation
And the second Elizabeth, in a much less traditional view
Another strong queen, now reduced to bar decoration
But in London there is room for all cultures, not just the English - here some Russian inspiration
More signs, I like them in this senseless collage form
The Cardiff market sold lots and lots of vinyls, so beautiful
Typical Cardiff brewery brand, with the Welsh dragonThe dungeon in the Cardiff Castle
Mihai and me could have been inhabitans in the Castle, me Felicity, him Algernon :-)Notting Hill colorful houses

Panoramic view over Bath
The famous Bath Circus, designed by the architext John Wood
Martin in Bristol
One of the very first suspension bridges in Europe, the Clifton, in Bristol

Bristol by the quay
Sunny day in Bristol
This door is made especially for me :-)
The English and their love for circular streets...